Friends 2 of Rangiaowhia

Our Journey of People, Faith, and Justice

Reflecting the love, grace and peace that Christ Jesus brought to this world, we are keepers of the story of Rangiaowhia and builders of its future.

Friends of Rangiaowhia - People, Faith, Justice

Nau Mai, Haere Mai Ki To Tatou Wharangi Ipurangi.

We are the Friends of Rangiaowhia and we welcome you to our website.

Statues found at the gravesite at Te Paariha o Rangiaowhia


Rangiaowhia represents much historical and spiritual wealth.

We are the Friends of Rangiaowhia

About Us

Learn more about who we are and why our hearts are tied to Rangiaowhia.

Future of Rangiaowhia

Our Vision

Rangiaowhia remains front and centre in our vision for our people for the future.

Donate to Help Build the Future of Rangiaowhia


Donate and help us build a better future for our people in Rangiaowhia.

Follow us through Te Paariha o Rangiaowhia on Facebook

Events & Activities

Learn about what we’re up to.

160th Anniversary of O-Rakau

Tuesday 2 April 2024
Join us in commemorating the 160th anniversary of the Battle of O-Rakau, a pivotal moment in our history.

Support Us

As we journey towards the healing our people need, and building a future for Rangiaowhia, your support of us has never been more important. 

Maintaining and improving Te Paariha o Rangiaowhia which provides our spiritual growth is essential; and beyond, our vision is to rebuild the Rangioawhia Marae, build a museum to tell the story of Rangiaowhia, and create a Maori-centred Wellness Centre.